A Note From Father Rob

In case you didn’t know, Palm Sunday is a unique service in our church. It commemorates the day of our Lord’s celebrated entry into Jerusalem, and the events that led to his arrest, torture and crucifixion.

There will be only one service at 10:00am and we will all gather in the prayer garden to begin our service. That’s right, everyone gets to sleep in and that is Good News in itself! We have just one service because I think it’s important for us all to celebrate this occasion together, as it marks the beginning of the most important week of the church calendar year.

For this week, the liturgies of our church provide us a rich storyline. Monday through Thursday our Lenten Lunch services will present readings that walk us through the last days of Jesus’ life. Through our guest ministers we will hear perspectives from various denominations to broaden our vision. As the week unfolds our experience will be enriched by our music, readings, meditations, sermons and yes, even a few theatrics. All these things will come together to bring to life the events of Jesus’ Passion and the experiences of his followers.

As we enter the final week of Lent, let us gather together in wonder and remember the sacrifice made, and the victory won, through our Lord and his faithful followers.



Holy Week Schedule


From the Desk of Deacon Judy