A Note From Father Rob

The Bible is full of stories about ancient heroes, men and women alike who were bigger than life. Figures like Abraham, Sarah, Moses, David and the Virgin Mary are a little hard for us to relate to, but this time of year, during the season of Easter, we get to read stories of a different nature.

The stories I’m referring to come to us from the Book of Acts, a book with words that only grace our Sunday readings during the season of Easter. This book is full of stories of people like you and me doing things people like you and me do; living out their daily lives as disciples of Jesus. In this week’s reading from Acts, we will hear a story about the disciple Phillip. In this story, we will read of how Phillip interacted with an angel, the Holy Spirit and a CFO from Ethiopia.

Now, you may think you have nothing in common with such a story, but you would be wrong. This story from the early Church is a great example of how God works in our lives every day. In fact, it is a guide for faithful living.

Come to one of our two services this Sunday to hear more about Phillip, as well as other heroes like you and me from the Bible, and how God works in our lives every day.



Sunday Bulletin 05.05.24


From The Desk of Deacon Judy