St. James Gang

The St. James Gang praise band provides music for the church’s less formal worship and social occasions, such as lakeside services at Church in the Pines, Shrove Tuesday entertainment, Cursillo Ultreya meetings and regular services on fifth Sundays, which occasionally occur throughout the year.
This energetic and inspirational collection of musicians discovered their ministry one Easter Sunday afternoon at an impromptu jam session during a parishioner’s crawfish boil. The group now includes several talented guitarists, a bass player, keyboard player, several vocalists and a harmonica player (our super-cool rector, The Rev. Rob Iler)

St. James Choir

The St. James choir, led by music director Barbara Barnes, leads the congregation in songs of praise and worship from the 1982 Hymnal and the Alleluia III Songbook during regular Sunday services and special services with musical programs at Christmas and Easter. The choir practices at 8:30 a.m. and sings at the 10:00 am service on Sundays. New members are welcome!